I’? 6(,‘omgcticut[hilyCa:qnn'I‘uesday,Scptcnbcr 21,1976

Kissinger says Rhodesia ready for black rule


LUSAKA . Zambia (UPl)-- Secretary of State Henry Kissin- ger said he was confident Rhode- sia's white rulers would agree to his plan for black majority rule within 24 months and turn aside the threat of a major race war in southern Africa.

Kissinger. who reported “ma- jor progress" in his campaign for peaceful settlement of the Rhode- sia issue. gave Zambian Presi- dent Kenneth Kaunda details of his discussions and awaited black

The World In Brief

Africa's approval.

On the way to a second meeting with Kaunda over dinner Monday night. Kissinger said he was “confident that there would be a favorable acceptance by the Rho- desian cabinet and the govern- ment of the plan for majority rule in that white-ruled country."

Members of the Kissinger par- ty said Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith. in a “painful" meeting with Kissinger. reversed his posi- tion on the crucial issue of bringing a black majority go-

Malta to expel Western forces

VALETTA. Malta (UPI) - Prime Minister Dom Mintoff‘s ruling labor party Monday won a new five-year mandate to keep Malta neutral. assuring withdrawal of Western forces from the strategic Mediterranean island by 1979.

Results of the two-day election gave Labor 34 seats against 31 for former Prime Minister George Borg Olivier‘s pro-Western Nationalist party in the 65-member house of representatives.

Mintoff‘s Labor party polled 106.000 votes for a slim victory margin of SI .54 per cent.

The results give Labor the same three-seat majority they held in parlaiment before the general elections Friday and Saturday. Labor won a one-seat majority in 197l but two Nationalists later defected to Mintof'f's camp.

Officials reported a final voter turnout of 95 per cent. equaling the record set in I932.

Labor supporters celebrated their triumph with horn-honking motorcades throughout the island. Several unoccupied National- ist clubs were set afire. but no injuries were reported.

Mintoff. 60. has pledged to keep Malta nonaligned and neutral when Britain and its NATO forces withdraw from Malts's military bases in I979.

In I972 his government tripled the rent Britain and NATO pay for use of the island's military bases. But he has vowed only Maltese forces will use the bases after the Western withdrawal, scheduled to end in March I979.

Orient Express train crashes

BEI1‘-K’\I)lL. Yugoslavia (UPI) - The famed Orient Express train went through.a red light in fog Monday and collided with a commuter train near Ljubljana. killing and injuring scores of passengers. rail officials said.

The officals said I8 persons were killed - 14 passengers aboard the commuter train and four engineers and assistants in the cabs of both trains. Another 40 persons were injured. 15 seriously.

All the. dead and injured passengers were aboard the three-car local ‘train. carrying commuters to offices and factories in Ljubljana. the capital of Slovenia in north-western Yugoslavia.

The I6-coach Direct Orient Athens-to-Paris train. which succeeded the original Istanbul-to-Paris Orient Express about a year ago. went through a red signal in dense fog as it pulled into a

vernment to power within 18 months to two years.

They said Smith was expected to relinquish leadership of the white-minority regime.

In Salisbury. Smith said his talks Sunday with Kissinger “produce concrete results which could lead to a settlement in the near future."

Kissinger said earlier he ex- pected the Rhodesian govern- ment would come to a “favorable

conclusion" by the end of the week.

A Rhodesian government spokesman said Smith would

discuss his meeting with Kissin- ger at a cabinet meeting Tuesday and at a parliamentary caucus of his Rhodesian Front party Wed- nesday. then address his nation

Friday night.

The secretary, who looked weary at the decisive phase of his lengthy African trip; got no definite reply from Kaunda on the plan to bring Rhodesia's over- whelming black majority to power

The Zambian president, a lead- er of the black African states who

Rhodesian. Blacks in the former British colony outnumber whites

by more than 22 to 1, but few can vote.

During an 18 to 24 month transition period black and white Rhodesians would share power in a temporary government. the U.S. officials said, and apart from

have threatened to expance the financial support there would be guerrilla war against Rhodesia. no western political or military said he would wait to talk with the guarantees for Rhodesia.

other “front-line” nations.

In Johannesburg, South Afri-

U-5- °ffi°lal5 and the British can Prime Minister John Vorster. FOTCIS“ 0“-‘Ce I" I-°“d°“ have who acted as an intermediary in confirmed the general outlines of the Kissjnge,._5mith talks. said

the Rhodesia peace plan. It calls Kjssmgervs proposals --can lead for a constitutional conference. to 3- sojution of the Rhodesia

possibly within two months, to problem_’'

Vorster said “good

draw “P Plans f0" 3 new 8°V°"" faith” was necessary on all ment with voting rights for every sides

Socialism bows out

Swedish leader resigns

STOCKHOLM. Sweden (UPI) - Prime Minister Olof Palme's Soc- ial Democratic government re- signed Monday. rebuffed by Swedish voters after 44 years of socialist rule.

Prices on the Stockholm stock exchange zoomed upward and trading nearly trebled as invest- ors welcomed the result of the general election Sunday.

“I hereby request to be dismis- sed from the position as prime minister." Palme said in a written statement Monday night.

Parliament speaker Henry Al- lard asked Palme to head a caretaker government until a new cabinet could be formed. Allard said he would consult with all party leaders Tuesday and the new prime minister would be proposed to parliament when the body assembles Oct. 4.

Center party leader Thorbjoern Faelldin. considered the leading candidate for prime minister.’ said he soon would begin consult- ations on forming a new govern-

ment with Conservative leader -

Goesta Bohman and Liberal lead- er Per Ahlmark.

Despite the Social Democrats’ defeat. the Swedish welfare state

will remain intact and foriegn policy will be nearly identical. according to the campaign plat- forms of the three nonsocialist parties.

Future socialistic plans likely will be curbed or abandoned. and the futeof the country's five

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nuclear power plants was uncer-

Amid the hectic financial action

a stock exchange official said $1.8 million worth of shares changed hands. compared to $681,818 Friday - nuclear power stocks dropped.

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tain. The victorious Center party campaigned strongly to tear them down.


small station ‘outside Ljubljana shortly after dawn. officials said. The electric locomotive and the mail car on the express °"°"“"“Cd . the officials said.


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