Pg: 8 Connecticut lhilyCanpusTueaday, Septenber 21,1976 Arts & Features Democrats find political apathy on campus Student Union Ballroom today at 3 p.m. ' Mike Lawler. head of the Schaffer group, reports that he hopes to have Schaffer- back a second time at UConn. Other activities by Lawler's organiza- tion include the distribution of Schaffer leaflets to students. The Young Democrats also plan to bring other state candidates, to UConn. Lassman reports that U.S. Rep. Christopher Dodd (D-2nd) will probably appear on campus in the near future. State Sen. Audrey Beck (D- Mansfield) is a probable. speaker. Beck is seeking re-election this fall. Membership in Young Democ- rats was scant last year and this trend is apparently continuing. ln gy cums BLAKE The task facing Young Democ- rats involves. if not stimulating Jimmv Carter has 3 wide iead interest in Democratic candid- in the Gallup poll. state Democra- aie5- at lea-Si Setting Siudehts ‘O tic candidates appear confident of VOW 0'] N°V~ 2- _ _ victory. and the outlook of the A V'8°T°“5 Vetel’ "e8'5tTah°h Democratic Party is generally Campaign Wlh he8l"_5°°h- Y°“h8 favorable. But the plight of the Dcniocratsare planning an all-out U('onn Young Democrats is un- malhhg eamPa'8h i° ehshre fhat Cha,,g,_.d_ every student on campus receives In a nutshell. the problem ah ahsehtee behel- facing the Young Democrats is an 1" addlhoho .1-a55mah_ D°"‘t5 acute lack of interest in politics 0Ul- U‘"'e8'5te"e°C°hh°°h°"t res‘ among students. At the group's ideals 0" CamPU5 may "e8l5iel' to recent organizational meeting. Vete 3‘ the Mahsheld T°""h Han‘ only a handful of students showed Sllldehl °"8ahlZatl°h5 for Dem’ up_' ocratic candidates are forming on Mark Lassinan. president of Caml?}15- A _ "(;a"lel'_ fer P"e_5“ the UConn Young Democrats. dehi _°l'8ah'1ah°h '5 lh "5 he8'h' feels the low attendance indicates nlhlé 5ia8e5 ahd 3 Ohm“ Schaffer a general feeling of apathy here. f0? Sehaie 8"°“P '5 1" hl8h Sea",-, And it is not an apathy that is The "sehaffer f°T Senate uniqm. ‘O UC0,m_ organization has received at least “I see a trend of apathy and it 0'19 Speahlhg Cemmhmehi f°"'h , is not just on college campuses " the secretary of state. Schaffer an election year. this news is said Lassman However Lassman Who V °PP°5e5 lhehmheht U-S- discouraging t0 the Youhg Demo’ added “Campuses are suffering Senator Lowell Weicker R-Conn. erats. but it is a pattern that they 4,9 hardcgt from n_-~ in November will speak at the hope can be changed. . Philippines may host Fischer-Karpov match MANILA (UPl)__A Filipino 0m_ published reports about the The original members of But drummer Ed Cassidy and Stills complaining of a sore Cm M. ‘he lmcmammal Chess Fischer-l(arpov match were mere ospimvi reunited for 3 concert at keyboards Player Jay FeT8US°h throat. Young's manager. Elliot Fcdcmmm FIDE said Mondaythc speculation and that an an- the Santa Monica Civic Auditm, started ‘walking away too, So Robe,-ts, ;o|d “Rolling Stone fate of a proposed $3.5 mime" nriuncenient would definitely be ium August29_ Anwem wenumil California said “Come on back, Magazine" that Neil‘s problem chess match between American made m ébfut a month 5 “me” the eh°°"e» “Like A R°hh‘8 ‘ct S fimsh the song was a lot of continued use of his Bobby Fischer and world cham- maybe less’ . 5t0n€-" it Was Y°“h8'5fh'5t _aPPea"ah°e thmm over a long tom-_ pin" Anamiy Karpm, .,f the Snvict Fischer. looking a bit ex- Guitarist Randy California told since he left his tour with Stephen union wnuid be kmywn within a hausted from extended air travel “Rolling Stone Magazine:'' ‘'1 m(,mh'_.,- (imC_ with Campomanes which has taker was doing the third verse and all Fischer. who lost his crown to them W Europe ahd 5eVe"al Asia" Of a Sudden there Was this Weird Karpov by default last year after a CaPha'5- aelmewledged that he guy Standing next to me. Singing IN controversy over the champion- ha5 had at leasl three meehhgs “HOW D0€S1tFe€l?" Young man sings with Spirit fulcg. arrived in Manila With Kal'p0\}/1diSCUSS thC ThC,"WCird guy," Young, U.S. M()nday with Flop; vn-C prcsi- posed matc . ampomanes sai had been invited onstage by bass . . dun Firm-neg‘, (‘;.n,p¢n,;,n.;-S for the meetings took place in Cor- player Mark Andes. unbeknownst- mh‘ hyuhhel B- Schlmrr ah "i"d¢‘h"h'~"' Visit d,‘“’‘‘ ‘"‘d Mad"d '" Spam ahd '" ‘° C3hf°"fh_a- _ . _ Director. Goddard School of Social Research. C2m’brid2€ Campomancs. replying to most 1“k.V“- _ _ The Spirit guitarist explained: of the questions fired at Fischer "W°_'VC_hafl 5°'he d‘5C“55'f’h5 but “MY 8"‘ heaeheh Wasv ‘heY» Wh° Sept. 21, S.U. PHI during an impromptu airpori new "0lh_"‘8 5 hhal---I W_0Uldn t_ Want are you? This is “Spirit" night conference. said all prcviousl_v ltllil‘/L‘ 01" "16 details." Flschef not Eleil ioung night.‘ sol started World Students Union salt. pus ing im away. ' The B St Lfi|=*************3l=********3l=******3&j . C -It L _. , _ , -Ir SUBSCRIBE NOW AND SAVE oven 20% "1 Town -)6 l.s'()ll(Tll1!{il lflsrrssirngpriqicnntlixl ‘X’ , .3. _ _ * The Department of Dramatic Arts at , , * l\l'l\‘S(l'.\l/\I."l uliidi is (L\'l.!,')1Xl:ls‘2ll](1Ml‘(l’IT1Ill fir men to .3. 11,, Unjvflsjgy or conmcumg I i',\])liI1‘ tJ1cii'rclatjrn~Jiipsas m.-n. /\llyllllCl'CStC(l minis V\ClC(lTlIl.... 3 a""°“"°°$ "M O * * an 7 "1 V V Plzza -1; 5,airirll'oll«Mirip,"Tiuidays, 8l()PM 3: ]()7()- / 7 I hcatrc .8;-:'.1V_s‘()|] _ * (1151: [Pam stirlents $15, rxmtubits $30 * ’ " ._ _ ' ' We deliver gr. 9(- * * For intormation on season wbsenpuom call - buy 4 get 1 free 4,. YGGDRASIL: the Center for Personal .3. 4292912 ovwnn *°'°'°°*--'-Hi R ‘ ''‘''‘'‘'j'‘'‘'‘' _ * Box Office, U-‘I27, Storrs, CT 06268 i. 32. 3V;Growth of the Department of Counseling.,,. GODSPELL Ne“ “’ S““d°‘"‘ § ond Student Developement 3,‘: Tuesdamoctober 12 to ?’:(i)T£Tsi'l|:l‘(S, (1)-l * * Saturday, October 23 ' a - . . , . , . Sun 3-” “L, vnmtun mwunlall qulsuassndnt lxqtmc mdnp |)y(rGdl. _¥ Mus c and new lyr cs by Stephen Schwartz * . * THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES * 4 Gilbert Rd. 486-4737 -1- ‘War-N°'°'"b°'5'° X-=i:=ie=i==i:ai:=i:ai:auicaieaicaisaicaicaizaieaieaicaisaicaicsiesieaeaizaieaicaieaieaiili “‘“'f,j";o:‘n°;°j}f°' '3 THE HOSTAGE Friday, December 3 to Saturday, December 11 by Brendan Behan A NEW PLAY Friday, February 25 to Saturday, March 5 To be announced at a later date THE ALBRECHT ROSER PUPPETS Thursday, March 24 to Saturday, March 26 THE SIXTH ANNUAL DANCE COLLAGE Thursday, March 31 to Saturday, April 2 jjj- LOVE'S LABOUWS LOST Friday, Aprll 22 to Saturday. April 30 by William Sliaikmiwaul SCRIBE NOW " Hove the Connecticut Dolly Compus sent to Y your room U-Box, or home. Send $10 for the yeor to Box U-8. Nome Send to mj Building __