SL25 person ; E=~ '"a .

After calling state inspectors. environmental protection officials and state Public Works Department officials in a campaign to stop roof repairs on dormitories in Northwest Quadrangle (Frats) before work moves to halls in South Campus. the resident student government is examining the contracts for the work to see if it can be stopped on a legal grounds.

Les Slater. co-chairman of the South Campus Council, said Wednesday that he and other members of the lnter-Area Residents Council (IARC) have obtained copies of the contracts the workmen on the roof-tarring job in the Frats and they think provisions of the contract will enable the

work to be ordered stopped.

The provisions IARC is going to investigate state

Plan 4 Connecticut Daily Campus Thursday, September 30, 1976

that sidewalks and driveways and parking areas “are to be kept free and clean at all times." Vats of tar. equipment and a large trash bin have been in front of the loading zone for the cafeterias of two of the four Batterson dormitories, where the roof waterproofing is being done now in possible

violation of the contract. The contract also says that the contractor will

maintain “All necessary safeguards for the protection of workmen and the public and shall post danger signs warning against the hazards created by. ...falling materials."

Slater and students in Batterson say that the precautions called for by the contract have not been carried out sufficiently, particularly in regard to falling materials.

Roofing contract qn

Problems Continue

Tarring equipment sits in a loading zone behind the Batterson dormitories in the Frats [Northwest] Quadrangle. The tarrlng has‘ raised problems for the residents, who made so-far unsuccessful attempts to stop the work [Staff Photos by Steve McGuff].

Health Services to give flu shots


Free Innoculations for swine flu wil be administered by University Health Services to UConn stu- dents. their dependents. faculty. staff and area retirees. the direc- tor of University Health Services said Wednesday.

The ROTC hangar will be the scene of the mass innoeulation Nov. l. 2 and 3. tentatively scheduled between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.. Director Robert Troiano said.

On Nov. l5. swine flu innocula- tions will he offered at the U(‘onn Greater Hartford Campus.

Storrs Troiano said.


Service .

said. While the State Health Depart- mcnt expects a state wide turnout

Sat. Oct. 2 Time: Noon - 2 am

6 come after the Beerfest

% BREAKFAST «1 IN ?"‘l'i‘i‘3dF:ATS

FRI. OCT. I" 11PM to 2AM

.1 0 SAT. om ll

9AM to 1PM

All you can eat!! Plain or blueberry

Swine flu. officially called “Type A/New Jersey lnfluenza." respiratory disease caused by a virus occassionally found in pigs. the virus cannot be contracted by eating pork pro- ducts or close contact with live

W35‘ ““'°"di"g t" the Hcalth Although it is not known if a

in o SI : West Hartford. and on Nov. I7 at the Torringlon Branch. Troiano

a Fiin::’é1:i1<:ic‘ ‘rzvizziir " °'“N°E3 3”‘ E THURSDAY AT 7 P.M.E TERIW 3 IN THE FRRTS

956 Main St.

Come in a group, b

of about 60 per cent. an 80 per The virus is spread by coughing, cent turnout is expected at the campus

sneezing or close contact. and symptoms are similar to other types of flu - chills. fever, sore throat. cough. runny nose. muscle aches. headache and fa- tigue. Older persons. or those with serious chronic illness. con- stitute a “high-risk" group to which the virus and its complica-



tions can be fatal. serious outbread is



The Indoor Way


Manehester 643-2764»



health officials have urged every- one to get a shot if possible. Because the vaccine is developed from eggs. people allergic to eggs. chicken or feathers should not be innoculated.

‘Swine flu cannot be contracted

from the shot itself since no live virus is used in the vaccine. but side effects may develop which include a sore arm. slight fever. shills. headache, muscle aches or reactions like itching, University Health Services said.




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Wed. Oct 6

pogo stick obstacle course 2-man wheelbarrow

Thurs. Oct 7

spelling bee balloon stomp

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0 I o

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l i 3