[Inge 6 Connecticut Daily Campus Wednesday, September 29, 1976 Show honors black women By GLENNECURRIE UPI Lively Arts Editor NEW YORK (UPI)--“For Co- lored Girls..." is the first Broad- way show of the fall season which can be recommended unreser- vedly. Not that it's an easy show. or that it has to say will appeal to all theater goers. But the way it says it. and the performers them- selves, are excellent and impor- tant. “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide. When the Rainbow is Enuf"--to give it its full title--opened Sept. l5 at the Booth Theatre. after a great success at the New York Shakes- peare Festival's off-Broadway Public Theater. The show consists of seven girls. all dressed alike but in different colors. singing. dancing and living the poems of Ntokaze Shange who also is one of the seven performers. in little over an hour. without an intermission, they provide a searing, joyful. wonderful tribute to black semen in America: their tragedies and triumphs as women and as blacks There is magic in Ntozake Shange's words. and while all seven women are superb. special Symphony begins season HARTFORD (UPI)- The Hartford Symphony said Tuesday it still has some sub- scriptions available for the coming season which starts Oct. 6 at the Bushnell Memorial in Hartford. The first concert features violin- ist Elmar Oliverira. a Naugatuck native who won the prestigious Naumburg Award in 1975 and has been invited to play with the Cleveland Orchestra next season. For information about regular, student and group subscriptions. as well as the symphony's "share—a-subscription." call 278- l450. Subscribers can attend both the concerts and the final rehearsals at which the guest artist appears. I STUDENT ART EXHIBITION (imntl ( )p(‘ning September 27 l 1-5 Student Union Rm. l03-l 04 “Exhibit will run until October l Sponsored by the Public Relations and Recreation committees of BOG if es}. the 5-08 l’\oné’c brush up on his paintings once 10 0» while. He found __ art supplies for 4-94 4% _._Z———.« —.A Eb/’ /4 ~.. _“ Q.HAfN - mention must be made of Trazana Beverley as one of the finest actresses to be seen on Broad- way. "For Colored Girls" had great- er impact on the more intimate stage of the Public Theater, but_ still is a spell-binder. The following night. at the Longacre Theatre. saw the pre- miere of Allen Swift's comedy “Checking Out." This was a mistaken effort which might be more at home in one of Second Avenue's Yiddish Theaters. lt concerned an oetogenarian actor. long retired from the Yiddish theater. who decides that he's lived a good. full life and wants to say goodbye to his family and then commit suicide rather than face a painful old age. Swift himself, a former stand- up comic and vaudevillian, took the lead role--providing himself with such venerables as: “He's a practicing psychiatrist--He's not going to practice on me!" That's the way first-nighters felt about the show. “Going Up," a l9l7 musical with book and lyrics by Otto Harbach and music by Louis A. Hirsch. was revived at the John Golden Theatre Sept. l9. The production was moved in its entirety from the Goodspeed Opera House in East Haddam. Conn. This is a cheap way of putting a musical on Broadway after seeing an audience" reaction--and looked dollars on new sets rather than the cramped set from the much smaller Goodspeed gives an air of cheapness and amateurism which the production does not deserve. The songs are better than you'd imagine, even though the pro- ducers decided to jazz up the show with a few other numbers such as "Hello, Frisco, Hello." Dan Siretta's dance numbers are excellent within the period frame work, and there are some good singers and eomediennes. The Paris Opera The third and final production of The Paris Opera in its two week Bicentennial visit to the Metropo- litan Opera House was Gounod’s “Faust." Sept. 14 starring Nico- lai Gedda as Faust, Mirella Freni as Marguerite. and Roger Soyer as Mephistopheles. Director Jorge Lavelli has up- dated the medieval tale to France's Second Empire and the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71. ‘Faust and Mephistopheles in cutaways, and a massive Crystal Palace set representing the Paris Exposition are briefly nteresting, but later disturbing. The attempt to adapt the set to Marguerite’s garden by adding lines of drying sheets verges on the ludicrous. The singing was not great, though Gedda's “Salut, demeure chaste et pure" and Freni’s Jewel Siebel was a highlight. Song were well received. Soyer Health Issues What are scabies? Scabies is a disease caused by a mite that burrows into the skin. It is very contagious and unfortunately on the increase. The mite is a small whitish parasite which is hardly visible. The female burrows beneath the skin and lays eggs there. The eggs hatch and a new generation appears about every four weeks. infection with scabies is characterized by intense itching, probably due to irratating secretions of the mite. Small hard blisters containing fluid form where the insect entered the skin. Scratching causes these to rupture and can result in secondary bacterial infection. The burrows are generally found between the fingers and toes, on the hands, in the groin and external genitalia, behind the knees and on the breasts. “Crabs" or pubic lice, is another very bothersome parasitic infestation. The louse is very small and usually only the nits (eggs) are seen on the pubic hairs. Like scabies, crabs can cause intense itching or it can be asymptomatic. The eggs of lice usually hatch in a week and they mature about two weeks later. Scabies and “crabs” are spread by intimate personal contact among friends and relatives, many times sexually transmitted. The mites and lice are most active at night and this is when they are likely to spread. They do not survive more than a few days away from the body. However, it has been found that in_ moist areas, such as towels, bedelothes and underwear, they may persist considerably longer. For both conditions, all members of the household and sexual partners should be treated with Kwell or Gamene lotion which require a prescription. Itching may persist for several days following treatment. All clothing, sheets, blankets and towels must be thoroughly cleaned at the time of treatment to prevent re-infection. ’ Perhaps you have been under the impression that only those with poor personal hygeine get lice or scabies. However, both of these parasites are very contagious and commonly found among students. Should you fall victim of the “unbearable itch” do not hesitate to come over to the Health Service. Scabies and crabs are very easily treated eliminating your discomfort and the possibility of infecting others. Questions regarding this article or other aspects of health should be addressed c/o Box 8 Connecticut Dali Cam u . devil. Renee Auphan’s blossom Pl'°Vlded 3 fine’ baCkdl'0P f0" 3 light Flower Song as the lovesick cancan, and conductor Michel Plasson was unable to get as The production eliminated the much from the orchestra as Sir has an excellect voice, but little of long Walpurgisnaeht ballet mu- George Solti did with “Le Nozze it The refusal to spend a few the commanding presence of the SIC, although the set would have di Figaro" and “Otello." Arts & Features TONY'S GARAGE Complete Foreign & Domestic Car Service g Tony’: S Game USED CARS Tires Batteries & Accessories Road 8. Wrecker Service school oi. 50$? 42.5‘ 2.2. 5 has c1\\ his the ' ‘(O1 MAIN sr. ~WlLLlMANT\C. c:c>r‘.r~.'f_~ =‘:;7;r’.ft o p: , Ia. ‘g. ;~ ,,ususwoai¢..-.cu~.-as-.sv«n—.vIn.ran&Ii.=‘p . V15 ET‘ .3, p..n..l av‘ / q';"man«.-;..n.=.ua.a»Aca.a-.-1Ic.»‘ ‘is’ J ‘wt 5,0 LEARN TO SKI _____T_h_e_Indoor Way 5 FREE CLINIC EVERY 3 956 Main St. Manchester .643-2764 REINS N.Y. STYLE DELI 7 RESTAURANT East Brook Mall. 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