Tuesday, September 14, 1976 Connecticut Daily Campus Page 9 Arts & Features Programs to assist job searching students By DARIA CARUSO A ‘new program has been developed by the Office of Place- ment and Career Planning and the counseling and Student De- velopment Center which will de- termine the skills and interests of ' seniors and aid them in their search for jobs. The Sessions Assessment, in Placement sions which will be offered at different times throughout the semester. These sessions will help students identify the careers to which they are suited and present the techniques of job hunting. An orientation session. open to all students, will be offered beginning this afternoon to ex- plain the SPARC program. There Resources and will be 12 sessions offered during Counseling (SPARC) program this month and in October. consists of several one-hour ses- SUSAN MILLER V There also will be four one-hour ”.’/£/.%y//mW/// /”’ ' up You Room Gun. -null, _'r 7 7' vumus MITH I ' 5501 0. sessions over a two-week period this month and in October dealing with self-assessment and occupa- tional choice. In addition to these sessions, there will be one or more meetings with a counselor. From September to December. ..there will be a series of five one-hour sessions dealing with the topics “Placement Office Services," “Resume Writing," “Interviewing Techniques." “Graduate Study" and “Job Hunting Techniques and Strat- Bv E. Martin ./_/:4 I egies." Douglas Daring. director of the Office of Placement and Career Planning. said that they will “show students the process and allow them to plug into the process according to their indivi- dual needs and schedules." Daring said that students “can go the whole routine in typical sequence or take individual ses- sions." According to Daring. SPARC is a modified version of the Senior Job Search program which his office conducted last year. The Senior Job Search. was comprised of six sessions in sequential order. Eighty to ninety students participated in the five- week program. Daring hopes that SPARC will alleviate the major error in the Senior Job Search which. he said. “was in assuming that all people beyond the starting point and dropped out before their point of readiness was reached while others came in too early and weren't prepared for the estab- lished starting point. Daring said. The goal of SPARC. like its predecessor. is to help students. especially those in the Liberal Arts field. to find jobs by plan- ning their careers early enough. Daring is quick to stress that “Of all the services the Office of Placement and Career Planning provides. SPARC is just one program." Another program which the Office of Placement and Career Planning conducts yearly is the on-campus interview program. Between September and March. 200 to 300 employers. many of whom are looking for Liberal Arts students. will visit the campus and meet with individual stu- ,‘ ..m.:m7.,.\.J,,.W,.“;,,\;;-.\::,.\:ri.itrhiiraiiri.i1r?.€1:}.<::Id1mi:rid1:i.\::}.\::r.i::/.i::).x::?.i1:?.i:: were at the same point of readi- dents. ness." According to Daring. the on- They discovered that some campus interviews program is people entered the rogram where the placement service began in the late 1940's am‘. early 50's. It was a way for employers to reach college graduates. “A transformation occurred about 6 to 8 years ago and career counseling was added to the job placement services." Daring said. Students can receive help with their careers by meeting with a staff member or using the book- lets and other material available to them at the Office of Placement and Career Planning. In the 1975-76 school year. 2,400 undergraduate and gradu- ate students and 2.200 alumnae registered with the Office of Placement and Career Planning programs. Many other students used the services without regis- tering. 3. "' 8ZI>ii'iow (aunts 3.3 :97////III///I////Mn...” COMMUTERS HELP! The Commuters’ Union needs interested commuters to represent us by serving on our various committee appointments. Included are our a point- -ments to the BOG Policy Committee, Tra ic and Parking Committee, Traffic and Safety Committee, Student (ticket) Court, etc. There are also a couple of o enings for Commuters’ Union meagerly paid sta members. These unfortunate devils are expected to work with other student organizations in connection with our housing and ride finding functions. Type slowly, occasionally and accurately. Answer stu id but honest questions while staffing our lounge. e hope to hire someone who will eventually run for a Commuters’ Union elective office (and end up doing the same work for free.) APPLY TO THOMAS EISENMAN:' PRESIDENT MWF 2-4 IN" THE COMMUTERS' LOUNGE S.U. RM IO _ . . ., .~‘T«g\T1.‘.1I/a\1?/orif/mi?/g\7f}g\lfm\itrm?f}¢\1{/o\1fm\1f/gil./vim.. .. . .. . ; r_ COURSE DROP RULES Commencing Sept. I 5, all dropped courses are subject to a grade of W or F no as to n 5.30 4'70 -1- - .7.i‘..‘,"¢‘i1Ti3\'.frg51T.' " \'l_"\'l"\O/"xi/3'\O/- .' Quesnel A to Body 423-8884 FOR SMALL CAR REPAIR USE) VW PARIS--FINE USED CARS VW Engines Installed In One Day 24 HR TOWING SERVICE SMALL CAR REPAIRS .. Rt. 32 ,Mansfield North ofDrivein 'I.".\V/.".\'l.".\'L".\'/ /I'D u_rvrr_i‘aII}n"'/I l Presents LADIES NITE (AIJ.LADII$GETTHE1RHRSI‘ONEONTI-IE HOUSE) LIKE CHlLl—— WE'VE GOT A CHILE WHOSE TASTE STAYS WITH YOU THE WHOLE DAY THRU' (you'd better like it hot) TONITEI DILLON PATRICK p just 8 minutes from UCONN, iunction Rt. l95,ond 32 .i':c“:iun‘Irir 6|‘ ‘”'ax‘..‘o"7'n‘«77'a'T'o‘T'o% 0 n or