PAGE EOUR IC. 1. T. Chat YankCon Title At Uri .\Iiiiié Ill Madison /\vr.. New York I7. N. Y sibbs girls get top job litIIlIllTi'|tItl‘ll millrge \Alilllb‘l| It? In itviiiiimi in n..i~t l'V"tI]II\rl In a-vi-rv "rm “-,,,,. 1,,/l, ”, Ilfltlrl nluiiit Special (‘union '4?! tiillrgr ttiiiiirri. Ask for (Quinn tiiriiri AI Wu-Tm ‘¢“ ANSWERS T0 ENGINEERS PUZZLE — Iosrou iii. wuss. . . 21 unriiimun st. HIV YORK I7, N. Y. . . 230 Fri Iva. uourcuil. N. I. . . . )3 Plymouth It. PIOVIMNCL O. I I. . . I53 Mflll 8|. ROYAL-MCBEE CORPORATION! Locatoit in West Hartford, Conn..the Research 8. Devel- (opnient Center otters to a Selected group at young en- I gineering graduates the opportunity to become asso- ciateu with a compact team of professional engineers. HAT PRICE SKI PARADISE? Along with the great variety of t’oiirteeii line trails at Mad River (jleii, there is 9. great varii-t._v of lift tickets — so that you can buy the ticket you can best use. Singles, ‘K’ I books, \\'eek-il:1y, week-end, 9-day (:1 i:i~i~.f1t Imrgaiii) . . . ‘ I‘‘-. and 3~'t‘l|.\'(>ll tickets priced as .1 send resume to A of the day of purchase. ' ROME MESH R 3' D cEmmg' Fticli one an open sesame 103] New Brim" Me. ’= to this SI(llll[.‘,' paradise! west Hammd 10' Conn‘ lligh cripzieity 'l'-Bar . . . plus iinprm'eil chair‘ lift facil- . Visit the R L 0 CENTER dur ities £lS:‘iLll‘C you of prompt ing spring vacation and looli__ us over In person. GLEN Wuitsfield ' Vermont In The "Siinir Corner" 0/ .Vrit' England Opportunities exist for June I graduates in MECHANICAL and ELECTRICAL engineer! ing. ’ Be Sure To See Our Repi'es'enl:iti\e On The (‘ainpus On Feb. 13th i , ‘.t‘$t' mil I i . ’ \' | I i i» i ii I\‘>t I." twat ‘It Vi"*l“ I‘-A - ' "I 4 . ' , y . .i.. _i.,.ii-K. «iii; in 11-- »Iit‘.ll .~ll<'lI. \i|Il|Ildl\lIl. ,i lit ‘llll I,\i[i‘lH"llIlI' |,ii_. . - -— ~- --—— lll i, ii \. ..i[ I-,Il\iiil'lI. In up 1 |‘I\ _\ti. .i ‘t.t\ l'llIlll(\I. . \\i.'- ...ii.i' I i) t.» HIVIIIE " .-.ii '. twill’ 'ill\~ -it \-i ' I - ‘ . lit \ 1. L‘l\IlIK Ii i ;I|llIiI ' ii! _, _ \ll rim, ,.i\\ C i‘.I‘: i'i~‘ -- ‘: ii I -- , "' V ‘ i‘ ‘ii ‘ i“ .' ,' . I ‘. I ~|vl’ t‘[ti iv [IIl‘l|"'['V‘1'. , “ M V‘ “ W, LN V ll-v"l.ii'l -i.-u.i.ii_ \iii|i;. i_[l.\|Ilin 1-,, i l’ 14‘. Ttil ll..'l'l I .1 in I‘ "ll it i,iil ill’! ' l'\1 ll\ . " Notice I‘ i the-i 1 mi ti .. I in . ll ‘llT~‘ lit cintl l“l' iit l-at vii-iii \» I -~~ \lt‘[‘l|‘, I{|4_)- ._-. i.ii.iii- 4..-, ,. ii .i. --‘,,-i,,.,. ..., i._l‘” Mr -1 " ‘ lrwiiil -i.~.'; tall ‘I i v x. i i ‘. ..i«-n .lamlisv»n, HA 9.'(i-4. r 1 ; i L . .. .. WEEKENDRIVALS Wayne Champeon of Maine (top) and Bill "Pickles" Kennedy from Temple will be key men that Connecticut must lace in two important hoop games this weekend. Pound for pound. Champeon is rated one of the finest ath- letes in New England and proved his worth in last Sat- urday's game against the Huskies. Kennedy is presently ranked 18th in the nation in scoring. and is also considered a great alI—around zhlcte. He is an All-American in both base- ball and basketball. As a sophomore he tossed in 404 points and as a junior he tal- lied 458. in addition to being credited with I25 of his teams I92 assists. ...t.Iie tobacco that outsells all other imported tobacco: combined! 'l‘igv it and your very first puff will tell _\ou wh_\'. 'l‘liere's more pleasure in Sn100lIl~Sl1IOI(IlI£f. (‘\'(‘It- buriiing_ loiig-lastiiig, mild A2\lPll()RA. ‘ Popular pl'l(‘(‘\I. and rrioie for your morie_\', too—fuII 2 miners in every p a c k I Blended in Holland. Iii lian- d_\' poitelies and this. (‘nine in and try it l()(Ill)'l 40‘ '_‘-OZ. l’()l'('Il TRY A I‘lI’EI“L'l. .\'I‘ THE I)E.\l.l*2R l\'I£.—\l{l'ZS'l‘ \L)l' Simon lliirwitz 163 Main st. Piitnnrii, Curiri. .l. B. (‘nrii.sIilek .\ltIin SI. Norwleli. ('orin. R. l.ek:iri-zyk Main St. \\llllnia.ntic. Conn. CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS By AL SIMONS Sports Editor The Ilnivr-i‘.t< - _V chops* .in A sroiii or - TOGETHERNESS... l0bSl€1'* BEFORE AND AFTER'MARRlA(‘.El - “.3999- Anniversary on-nnilnsllrim PLUS! “.S"l‘A(il<2 S'l‘RU(IK" our specialty special menus and prices submitted fol private parties. ample room for parking singlé rooms from $3.50 per person overnight guests accomodated DAILY CAMPUS HEEIIIIG ADVERTISING BUSINESS FEATURES NEWS SPORTS - WEDNESDAY, ,FEB. I7 7-3 P.M. HUB 303‘ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, [960 Stake Tonight rluiiiped the men from "the tour in a row in .\;i\_\'. Si, city of brotlierly luxe". 6-I46. .lOS(*[)Ilf\ l7l‘lIll.\’.\l\'.'|]]].:{‘ ,1 n (1 "Pickles‘ Keniiedy is the \'1llaiiu\;i. 'llulwai'k_ot the lemple team. Currtlli’-I Hit tu~,\_i \\.m,k M-F the Pliiladr-limia born an‘! “um (. _(_. L” I bred I‘l()O[)S[(‘l’ wliose CIIm£‘ll~ E’ ‘H ‘T M "’”"""“' Hons are idenucal with those are ;;aiiiii'~. \\IlIl .i.~.~ri«-liu~r-ti-. of Rose, is one of the leading: "W1 ”’’l.‘‘ U'“-“~*- l'<'t r'lo:se gaiiir-,< In each of n:ie.\i- clubs earlier Ill the $C'cl,\llH_ The l\Iass_ garrie i< at the Field llouse We;lries(ta_i. '1‘ii~l.;. or: are (Ill sale for the clasli with the L‘i'ii.s‘zi:lei‘s on Sill.- ui'da_\' at Wiiit-ester. st-oi'ei'.s in the nation, averag- ing 21.8 points per game. Temple is 12-7 for one son, haxing \voii its last itarnes mer Muhleriberg Bucknell, after having sea- two and lost Jazz Mass To Be Given Sunday A Jazz Mass will be pre- siderable Illlt‘l'(‘Sl and man_\‘ seiited Sunday night at the fl""m°'”5- 5U""'J«'*." night Rev. iitorrs Congregational Church. .l"eaSu”". M” Mlllal” ll“ Th” Mass which feamrfl idea heliind his “Jazz Mass." Jaz Music on the organ The p'i°g”‘”‘ I5 b“l“E Spon- stead of more conventional re- ’:EmdArh_‘\: 1.l.wL.m”w::n‘\r; CUM‘. Hgious music‘ Wm be per. an ssoeia ion an It e. Lari. formed by the RM Amhon-y terbur_v (lub here. It will Tresure of Nowalk ‘Conn He begin at 7 pm‘ in the Sm"? . . ' ' ’ Coiigregatlonal Church. Will be aSSlSIP(l by the organ- _‘ . 1st from the Episcopal Church Th? I L-A SUPP“ 31 3 D-771- tinere. in the Community House will Two years ago Rev. Treas- be "*nited to those who sign iii'e‘s application of Jazz mu- up before noon today, as 1 sic to the Mass caused‘ eon- large crowd is expected. I . SOUTH CAMPUS — 2 ENTRANCES — — Walk right in from the parking lot SODA FOUNTAIN — CAFETERIA SPACIOUS DANCE FLOOR — COFFEE DATES Open 7 Days A Week 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. TREAT YOURSELTC TO . . . ITALIAN GARDENS American & Italian Food 944 Main St. Willimantic Steaks — Chops —— Broiled Live Lobster Cocktails and Dinner by Candlelight EXCELLENT soon 28 NORTH STREET WILLIMANTIC, CONN Banquet Facilities For 6 or 60 TRADITIONAL NEW ENGLAND DINNER FRED'S RESTAURANT VALENTINE ‘SPECIALS MEAL TICKETS A $5.00 Value ‘5.00 “Good Any Time" ‘A’ FEATURING at Clam Chowder Moccoronl & Cheese -. ... . . . Swordfish Steak Fried Clams Deepseo Scallops Fantoil Shrimp Fillet of Haddock Sirloin Steak loll Beef Liver 8: Bacon II It a