Page 12 Connecticut Daily Campus Wednesday, September 8, 1976 CLASSIFIEDS WANTED: Sitter for 7 yr. old 3-4:30 pm Mon-Fri. Own transportation. Call 429-1447 after 5pm. Near campus. PEDAL STEEL GUITAR: E 9th, "Nashville" tuning, 3 pedals, 1 knee, must sell . best otter. 742-9536 suppertime. FOR SALE: 1973 VW Superbeetle, 40.000 ml|8s.,Dark- blue, excellent condition, radio, trailer-hitch, rear window de-logger, 25-30 mpg Asking $1976. Call 872-6070 or 745-7798. FOR SALE: Hand carved Appalachian UCONN KARATE CLUB accepting Top of the line Microfrets electric WHUS sgudgng Labor 12 hrs, per new members starting Sept.13 MWF guitars and basses. Custom make week. $2.25/hr. Someone with an 7 p.m. Hawigy; Armory. Call Bob hard rock or jazz lead guitars. interest in radio preferred. Call 429-1342 after 6. Excellent prices. 487-1735. 429-3100 ——————————— “ ______________ —— MGA STEREO/RECEIVER with BSH MALE RQOMMATE WANTEDI OW" WANTED: Typist-bookkeeper 10-15 Auto Turntable Bookshelf speakers. mom in housean willimantic. 8 miles hrs per week. Inquire ASC office, 4th .25 watts peak. Compact and powerful to camp“, 50 plus per month. floor, west wing, Hall Dorm, Equal $165.00 Call Rich 423-6054. 423.5433_ Opportunity Employer. —————————————————————————————— -- —————————————— —— WANTED: Female roornmatets) to FOR SALE: Foliage plants 5-60 Need a bed (bo'x. mattress, frame?) share apt. in W. Willington. One (Hundreds tochoose from)Ledgecrest Call Paul at 742-6171. $20.00 Leave large bedroom open. will split $190 Greenhouses Rte. 195 4‘/2 miles south message. equally. Call Joan 429-1174. at UConn 423-4264. i.__:.—___::._.;¢:._.._..:—. __.._.—Z.—j:_.:¢—.::—-.:.— __..:__.:::—._...—::__:.— Secretary needed: Male or female. WEAVING CLASSES: Various ofi- FOR SALE: Lafayette amplifier, 20 Save money on your next new car. Let S250 . .IStulflng 1000 envelopes: HOMEWORK: GUARANTEED! COMPANIES NEED YOU. Details 31, self-addressed stamped envelope: Johnson-92320, 258 Atwood, Pitts- burqh. PA 15213. MCT: one year and you're still the one. Love. EJU. ROOMS LET: Large room in Colonial Cape. 7 miles to UConn off 44A. 385 per month, males only. 742-7155 before 12. Muscian wanted for Storrs Puppet Theater to set a show to music and watts per channel. Used only six a new car broker make your purchase months. Bought new $90; will sell for for you. Free details. Michael R. $50. Call Karen, room 137 Holcomb. Larkins New Auto Brokerage. loom techniques and approaches. (Backstrap, inkle. basketry. spinning, plus) for further information call stringed instruments. Beautiful Rose- wood. mahogany, maple, and spruce guitars, banjoes and mountain Dulci- perform. Choice of instruments is flexible. 35 paid performances. Jagna Zahl 429-1509. mm. can 4874735. 429-3822 or 429-1749. 429-9345. 429-6622. 5° the newest all around sound in disco § 4 zit’ soul, rock & roll, country, disco. Music for everyone. a E Ladies night, ‘/2 price night, FREE disco dancing lessons — aspecial night 0 every night of the week. R just 12 min from UConn :3 Rt. 44 Bolton Notch _ ' _ ' dress to impress . . . casual dress required YGGDRASIL _ YGGDRASIL is the Norse word ’ for the tree of life- -with roots reaching to hell an branches stretching to heaven Fall Personal Growth Group Schedule - 1976 Mature Women’s (over 25) Couples Group Personal Growth Group Thursdays. 7:30-9:30pm. Sept. 30. Oct. 7.14. and 21. And Saturdays and Sunday. Oct. 9.10. 10am-6pm. Open to couples (married or not) who are interested in exploring their current relationship. as well as new ways of relating to one another. Gay Women’s Group: Discovering and Celebrating Me Mondays, 7:30-9:30pm, beginning Oct. 11. For women who relate sexually to other women. to explore new ways of being and relating. and to celebrate ourselves. introduction to Buddhist Meditation Mondays. 8-10:30pm, beginning Oct. 4. From the Buddhist point of view. meditation is not a technique to relax or withdraw from the confusion of one's life. rather it ventures directly into the territory of our speed. our boredom. our passion and aggression. Gestalt Personal Growth Group Wednesdays. l0-12am. beginning Oct. 6. Participants will i review current life issues and make contact with others in the group. relating through similarities and differences. Empha- sis is placed on awareness of the interrelationships within the group. Thursdays. 4-5:30pm. bcgining Oct. 7. We will focus on personal issues. on self-awareness. and awareness and understanding of others. Issues and themes relevant to the mature woman will be discussed. Assertiveness training Tuesdays. 7:30-9:30pm. beginning Sept. 28. Open to people who are interested in exploring their assertiveness compliance in their daily lives. and who want to be more assertive. Men’s Gestalt Group Tuestlaiys. 8-l0pm. beginning Oct. 5. Designed as an environment for men to explore their relationships as men. Open encounter will enable members to interact on a personal level and promote spontaneous and constructive feedback. Personal Growth Group Montlays. 7-9pm. beginning Oct. ll. For men and women interested in exploring themselves and how they relate to others Focus will be on how we may communicate with other II. .I more honest and open manner. The following two groups are being offered at Yggdrasil for the first time and represent two rather new approaches in the field ' of humanistic psychology Experiments In Body Awareness: Bio- Energetics As A Tool For Personal Growth Mondays. 6:30-8:30pm. beginning Oct. 4. Centering on various body exercises which will help us to identify and understand the areas in our bodies where we tend to hold energy and block experiences. A Transactional Analysis Approach To Personal Growth Thursdays. 7:30-9:30pm. beginning Sept. 30. Learning how we play games and live out our scripts. the spirit of this group is expressed in the “I'm O.K.. You're O.K." YGGDRASIL: the Center for Personal Growth 4 Gilbert Rd. for information call 486-4737 or drop by anytime. All groups meet for 10 sessions unless otherwise stated. Fee: UConn students $15.00, non-students $30.00 -except for Mature Women’s Group: Uconn Students $5.00, non-students $10.00 -Introduction to Buddhist Meditation $10.00 '