Welcome to the CTDA


The CTDA is a collaborative member organization that supports digital preservation and access for all Connecticut's people. We believe that the stories and experiences of every person and group in Connecticut are important to all of us. Keeping and sharing them creates a common cultural understanding and a richer historical legacy.

Since its public launch in 2103, the CTDA has been a leader in digital preservation in Connecticut and is a central piece of the statewide digitization initiative being organized by Connecticut Humanities. The Statewide Digitization Initiative aims to provide a statewide infrastructure for collecting, describing, managing, preserving, and making available digital cultural heritage.

Core funding for the CTDA is provided by UConn Library, and our infrastructure is built on the UConn ITS backbone. We engage a vendor, discoverygarden inc, to maintain the Islandora software stack. The CTDA supplements core funding by seeking grants and other external funding and assists its members in including the cost of long-term preservation in their own grant applications.