Butler, Joanna

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Thumbnail Title Parent Item Node id
Distribution of the Estate of Zacheus Butler, Dec'd Decedents' estates, Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society 972469
List of Debts due from the Estate of Zacheus Butler, Deceas'd Decedents' estates, Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society 1525272
Jonathan Butler 2nd and Joanna Butler receipt from Josiah Everitt and Hannah Everitt for payment of her claim against the estate of Zacheus Butler, 1796 September 19 Decedents' estates, Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society 1336878
Appointment of Ebenezer Wells, Nathan H. Whiting, and Moses Gaylord to make distribution of the real estate of Zacheus Butler, deceased, 1796 April 11 Decedents' estates, Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society 942850
Jonathan Butler 2nd and Joanna Butler receipt from Nathaniel Braman for payment of his claim against the estate of Zacheus Butler, 1794 November 6 Decedents' estates, Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society 2013336
Joanna Butler receipt from Ezekiel Cowles, tax collector, for payment of town, county, and state taxes due from the estate of Zacheus Butler, 1794 February 14 Decedents' estates, Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society 207539
An account of Inventoryd Estate that has been Sold By the Administrators to the Estate of Zackeus Butler Dec'd, June 1791 Decedents' estates, Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society 1712468
Appointment of Joanna Butler and Jonathan Butler 2nd administrators of the estate of Zacheus Butler, deceased, 1791 May 18 Decedents' estates, Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society 527388