Mystic Seaport Museum

Displaying 151 - 200 of 5383
Thumbnail Title Parent Item Node id
West shore of Mystic River, north of downtown Mystic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1711168
Whaling schooner A.T. Gifford in winter quarters, west coast of Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2213214
Looking up Mystic River, north of downtown Mystic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1739859
Inuit man using bow drill, west coast of Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 854570
East shore of Mystic River, north of downtown Mystic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2155562
Ippaktuq Tasseok (""Harry"") and other Inuit in snow house, Cape Fullerton, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 442701
Morgan Point lighthouse as a residence, Noank Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2685726
Shaman in elaborate parka, west coast of Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1088505
Noank, from the west Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2771198
Inuit grave, west coast of Hudson Bay or Southampton Island, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1825849
A.V. Morgan residence, Noank Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 927518
Inuit man in trade shirt, west coast of Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2370181
Catboats, sloop and house (Browne and Randall families of Mystic) Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 270728
Whalers removing baleen from beached whale, west coast of Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 824901
Dr. and Mrs. Raynham Townsend in their motorsailer Nutmeg Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1365125
Cover illustration for Harvard-Yale regatta magazine story Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Documents and Letters (CHI Sports and Recreation Featured Topic), Mystic Seaport Museum 1292343
West Mystic-built motorsailer Nutmeg at anchor Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2427372
Inuit man and two women in traditional winter dress on board whaling schooner Era, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 883823
Inuit man and two women on board whaling schooner Era, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2785364
Aivilik Inuit couple (Paul and wife) in winter dress, Hudson Bay, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 869213
Six Inuit women on board whaling schooner Era, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1610273
Inuit with flint bone cutter outside skin tent, Hudson Bay, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 238473
Whaling schooner Era in winter quarters, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1190815
Six Inuit children (three girls, three boys) in deckhouse of vessel, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 458133
Whaleboats being pulled by dogsleds, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2871358
Aivilik Inuit woman with Netsilik tattoos, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2270382
Inuit and American crew of whaling schooner Era with whaleboats and gear, Hudson Bay, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2155553
Inuit, bundled furs and gear on deck of whaling schooner A.T. Gifford, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2456096
Inuit and American crew of whaling schooner Era with whaleboats and gear, Hudson Bay, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1161390
Crew preparing whaling schooner Era for winter, Repulse Bay, Hudson Bay, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 3043290
Aivilik Inuit carvings display, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2985925
Whaling schooner Era in winter quarters, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2370182
Inuit women and children on board vessel (A.T. Gifford), Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1495193
Tryworks on board whaling schooner Era, Hudson Bay, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1001186
Inuit family (Ben, Shoofly, Tom Luce), Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 3215323
Men collecting water alongside a whaling schooner, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 3085862
Inuit woman outside, Hudson Bay, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2141300
Aivilik Inuit man (ice) fishing, Cape Fullerton, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1768494
Iwilic (Aivilik) Inuit on deck of whaling schooner Era, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1132313
Inuit men (making lines from hide), Hudson Bay, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1088509
Kenepetic (Qaernermiut) Inuit on deck of whaling schooner Era, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 189542
Whaling crew with dog sled, west coast of Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1480791
Inuit boy looking through marine glasses on whaling schooner Era, Hudson Bay, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2914217
Ippaktuq Tasseok ("Harry") in deckhouse of whaling schooner Era, Cape Fullerton, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 912803
Inuit women and child inside snow house, Cape Fullerton, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 173126
Whaling schooner Era frozen in ice, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1926788
Inuit boy (Tom Luce) on board whaling schooner Era, Hudson Bay, Canadian Arctic Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1132311
Inuit children on board whaling schooner Era, Cape Fullerton, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 2169905
Loons in pond, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 427200
Inuit woman ice fishing, Cape Fullerton, Hudson Bay, Canada Mystic Seaport Museum, Connecticut History Illustrated, Mystic Seaport Museum 1711163