Mike Alewitz

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Displaying 1 - 50 of 1885
Thumbnail Title Parent Item Node id
OCAW murals Mural Projects, Red Square 3777365
Mural Projects Red Square Collections, Red Square 3776381
Hormel Strike (P-9 Mural) Hormel Strike (P-9 Mural) Hormel Strike (P-9), Red Square 3776379
Nicaragua Mural Projects, Red Square 3772969
Ché Comandante Ché Comandante Red Square Collections, Nicaragua, Red Square 3772968
Artists Without Borders - Anali Chanquia, "Artista Busca Pared" Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 1454842
Tromp Illusions - Whiteboard with dry erase marker on a wall Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 1685536
Tromp Illusions - Spiget with puddle on the floor Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 634611
Tromp Illusions - Dog looking through a door Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 2688695
Tromp Illusions - Underwear and handcuffs on a door Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 2358915
Writing by Mike Alewitz regarding CLR James and his trip to Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the Oilfields Workers Trade Union and general strike in Martinique and Guadalupe Writing, Central Connecticut State University 1498134
Writing by Mike Alewitz regarding CLR James and his trip to Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the Oilfields Workers Trade Union and general strike in Martinique and Guadalupe Writing, Central Connecticut State University 989677
Writing by Mike Alewitz regarding CLR James and his trip to Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the Oilfields Workers Trade Union and general strike in Martinique and Guadalupe Writing, Central Connecticut State University 1237603
Student Self-Portraits - Woman sitting in bathtub Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 2631387
Student Self-Portraits - Man standing withing geometrical painting Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 2802611
Student Self-Portraits - Woman in blue shirt and blue jeans Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 1266564
Student Self-Portraits - Sitting woman using her imagination Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 1785727
Student Self-Portraits - Man with gear chest Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 2988916
Student Self-Portraits - Woman painting in rainbow socks holding up skirt Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 1498144
Student Self-Portraits - Man with head tilted to the side Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 1179017
Student Self-Portraits - Woman in thought within her mind Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 589915
Student Self-Portraits - Sketching with figures of the mind Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 2216165
Street Art - Cornel West picture with clay frame Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 559918
Street Art - Sculpture of robot dog on sidewalk Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 724054
Street Art - Student with leaf art, POWER IN NUMBERS Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 3546323
Street Art - Painting of woman sitting surrounded by flowers Individual murals, Central Connecticut State University 2516739
Street Art - Student standing by street art portraying a mouse fighting a reptile Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 290251
Street Art - Fish street art under a bridge Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 2416073
Street Art - Student standing by street art with blue stag with stars Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 61958
Street Art - Students painting street art Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 3303453
Street Art - Students Bellydancing Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 1771457
Street Art - Marriage of Dick and Gina Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 2788431
Street Art - Marriage of Dick and Gina Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 3103148
Street Art - Mike Alewitz with Students Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 1469153
Street Art - Eyesore Street Art Street Art and Mural Slams, Central Connecticut State University 3303459
Street Art - Student field trip to street art and graffiti site Teaching Materials, Central Connecticut State University 559996
Presentations and Lectures - Profs4Progress group with banner Artistic Works, Central Connecticut State University 1454767
Presentations and Lectures - Students and volunteers working on an art project Special Projects, Central Connecticut State University 2259007
Presentations and Lectures - Lecture at art gallery Lectures, Central Connecticut State University 274193
Presentations and Lectures - Mike Alewitz at an art gallery Lectures, Central Connecticut State University 1309892
Presentations and Lectures - Presentation on the Kent State Massacre Lectures, Central Connecticut State University 2530905
Presentations and Lectures - The Spirit Lives! advertisement Artistic Works, Central Connecticut State University 2044132
Presentations and Lectures - May Day Teach-In: Social Justice Activism from Haymarket to Kent State and Jackson State to the Present, facebook page Lectures, Central Connecticut State University 2401741
Presentations and Lectures - Insurgent Images: art gets political, article written on Mike Alewitz Artistic Works, Central Connecticut State University 1943992
Presentations and Lectures - 57th Annual Saskatchewan Federation of Labor Convention Artistic Works, Central Connecticut State University 813193
Presentations and Lectures - Art , Occupation, and Revolution at Bare Bones Lectures, Central Connecticut State University 80444
Presentations and Lectures - MAY DAY TEACH-IN Lectures, Central Connecticut State University 2530902
Presentations and Lectures - THE KENT STATE MASSACRE: An Eyewitness Account, Slideshow and Discussion Lectures, Central Connecticut State University 2516735
Presentations and Lectures - MIKE ALEWITZ SLIDESHOWS AND TALK Lectures, Central Connecticut State University 3303458
Presentations and Lectures - MIKE ALEWITZ SLIDESHOWS AND TALK Lectures, Central Connecticut State University 738815