Creating a Custom Thumbnail for a Collection in the CTDA

Last Updated, June 18, 2024.


The new CTDA randomly assigns an image from within a collection to represent the thumbnail for the entire collection. This selection may not be the ideal option for your collection but the good news is you can change this image to anything you'd like to include as a thumbnail for your collection. Outlined below are the steps to change the thumbnail for a collection.


Adding/Replacing a Custom Thumbnail for a Collection in the CTDA

  1. Navigate to and login. Once logged in, go to your group and select the Your Metadata Records tab to select the collection you wish to add/change a thumbnail.
  2. Click the "Edit" icon on the collection page either from the public facing page OR from the "Edit" button on the Your Metadata Records page for this collection.
  3. Click "Media"
  4. Click "+Add Media" button.
  5. Click "Image". 
  6. Click the Add a new file "Choose File" button and navigate to an image you wish to use as the collection thumbnail.
  7. Click the Media Use dropdown and select Thumbnail Image.
  8. Click Save. Now you can see if the thumbnail looks as you expected and for some collections you may need to wait for Solr to index the updates to see the changes applied (typically 30-45 minutes).