Glossary of Terms

Last Updated, May 14, 2024.

This glossary explains what terms in Modern Islandora (aka Islandora 2) mean and how these terms relate to i7 terms.


A collection is a container, it holds other objects, including other collections, or any other item or group of items.
I7 analog: Collection Content Model

Content Type

A content type defines the characteristics of a particular repository item. Content types determine what derivative media is created from an Original File, and how an item is displayed in the viewers.

There are 11 content Types in Modern Islandora:

  • Audio: An Audio repository item contains as its primary media, an audio file
  • Binary:  A binary item contains any allowable file type. No derivatives are generated and no viewers are available but the bits of the original file are preserved. 
  • Collection: A collection is a container, it holds other objects, including other collections, or any other item or group of items
  • Compound Object: A compound object is a container, it holds other single repository items like Audio,  Video, or Image. It cannot hold other containers like collections, paged content, or compound objects. 
  • Digital Document:  A digital document contains as its primary media text file like a pdf.  
  • Image: An Image repository item contains as its primary media a digital file of a visual representation such as a photograph, lithograph, painting, etc. 
  • Page: A Page item contains as its primary media the digital image of a textual resource, like a book page, OR any media that is meant to be interacted with in a particular sequence like a book, or a folder of papers, or even a set of photographs. Pages must be a part of a Paged Content or Publication Issue repository item.
  • Paged Content: A Paged Content type is a container item that is filled with Page items and presents them in a sequence. Paged Content replaces the i7 “Book” content model
  • Publication Issue: A Publication issue is a container object in a definite, dated sequence position relative to similar container objects.
  • Newspaper: This content model currently functions as a container for Publication issues.
  • Video: A video item contains as its primary media a moving image file

The most important difference between an i7 Content Model and a Modern Islandora Content Type, is that you can now CHANGE the content type after you ingest an item

I7 analog: Content Model


A group is an agent (organization, institution, responsible person, etc.) who is responsible for a defined set of content in the repository

I7 analog: Namespace

Group Header

The Group Header displays just below the System Header on repository item pages. Group headers have logos, links, information, and formatting specific to a particular Group. Group Administrators have the ability to edit their Group Header. 


Media has a specific definition in Modern Islandora. Media is ANY type of file associated with a Repository Item. Each repository item is made up of different media as defined by its Content Type

I7 analog: datastream

Media Use

Media Use designates the purpose or use of a media item in the repository

  • None: The media type is undefined. It should not be used.
  • Extracted Text:  A file in .txt format of the text extracted through the OCR process, or from uploading a txt created externally. It is under preservation control
  • HOCR: (Coming Soon) A file containing the extracted text and letter positioning bitmaps in XML format.This file is not under preservation control. HOCR is used to create result highlighting for text documents.
  • Intermediate File: Intermediate File is not implemented and should not be used.
  • Original File: A file in any allowable format that forms the basis for Service and Thumbnail files. It is under preservation control. This is roughly analogous to the “OBJ” file in the i7 system. An original file is the only file type that generates derivatives, which are based on the ContentType of the repository item.
  • Preservation Master File: A file in any allowable format that is meant to be preserved, but no derivatives are created for it. It is not visible in browsers. It is under preservation control
  • Service File: A file that is used in the system viewers. It is not under preservation control. This is analogous to the JP2 and Medium jpg datastreams in i7
  • Thumbnail Image: A file that is used in Modern Islandora result lists and other places, as well as in aggregations like the DPLA. It is not under preservation control
  • Transcript: A file that is added by the item managers that is a textual representation of the information in a media object. It is under preservation control.

Members (In the CTDA Islandora System)

In the CTDA M0dern Islandora System users have an account and log into the CTDA system. Members  can have different roles and permissions. Members can belong to one or many Groups. I7 analog: Members

Members (In the CTDA in General)

CTDA members are people, organizations, or informal groups who have made a commitment to preservation and join the CTDA Community and have signed an MOU with the CTDA.


A permission defines a user's ability to take some kind of action, like uploading files or editing fields. I7 analog: Permission

Repository Item

A repository item is the basic building block of the Modern Islandora system. Characteristics of Repository Items are defined by their Content Type

I7 analog: digital object


A role is a group of permissions typically associated with a type of person, like an editor or Group Administrator. See Roles and Users for more information (link)

I7 analog: Role

System Header

The System Header is the band of information running across the very top of every CTDA page. The information and links in the system header relate to the entire system. The Group Header has links and information relating to a particular group.


A user is any individual interacting with the CTDA system. In the CTDA all Users without accounts on the system are “anonymous users”  in that they do not sign into the system.

I7 analog: User