Islandora 7 Page Views Statistics

Last Updated, May 16 2024.

This page includes Usage data from the Islandora 7 based Connecticut Digital Archive via an interactive tool to let you query data by namespace, date range, and more. If the self-service usage statistics interface does not provide the data you are looking for let us know and we will help you in generating a report.

To use this interactive report, you can filter by date range and/or select a CTDA member organization from the filter. If using a date range, keep in mind that this data is aggregated monthly so to include an entire month be sure to select the date range for the entire month.

Select an organization to narrow to your organization. Each of the stats will then update to show total views and the total number of objects viewed for the time frame and organization you selected on each of the cards in the display below. 

Each of the charts, graphs, and tables are dynamic so as you click on an item, it will refine the analysis to your selection. To deselect, click anywhere outside of the chart/graph.

To view more information, including to download your data, click the Flip Card icon and this will provide access to view basic calculations of statistics, the ability to download an image of the chart (when applicable), and an option to download the data filtered to the criteria you selected. Learn how to download data from the card.